White Label Studio COUPON CODE: Take note that the special offer of White Label Studio COUPON CODE is For Short Time Only, Grab the latest White Label Studio discount code and read the latest White Label Studio review, Expire at any time, click on the Banner Below and it will be taken you to the Discount Page, 30 DAYS MONEY BACK GUARANTEE Today, AFTER DISCOUNT PRICE, IS $34, One-Time Price And No Month-to-month Charges.


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White Label Studio Coupon Code


Sell FOUR Next-Gen Software Apps Under YOUR OWN Brand, With YOUR OWN Logo And Pocket 100% Revenue, OFFER access for a one-time price or a monthly recurring subscription to create a never-ending passive income, This is perfect for: Video Marketers, Agencies Local Marketers, Online Marketers, Bloggers, Freelancers, Coaches & Consultants, Business Opportunity Seekers And Much More…White Label Studio is a full-blown SaaS Business With Full White label Rights . It is the most wanted solution of our times when every business is trying to sell digitally! It Allow you to Sell FOUR Next-Gen Software Apps Under YOUR OWN Brand, With YOUR OWN Logo And Get Your Pocket 100% Revenue. You can bet every penny you’ve got that it will. Video & Banners are the HOTTEST content there are… every business needs them if they want to grow. Help businesses LEVERAGE Video & Banner Marketing and get PAID BIG BUCKS… even with ZERO skills and experience. You can take up multiple projects at any given time, because White Label Studio automates almost 99% of the work… You could take maximum advantage of this huge demand & sell any or all of the 4 most sophisticated video & banner apps themselves and make big bucks. You can get access to all 4 video & banner apps for unlimited personal & professional use when you make ONE SINGLE TINY payment.


Here i am I’m logged into white label studio now it’s important to remember that white label studio isn’t actually a software what it is is a package of four different software and you get white label reseller rights to those four different software so when you log in you’re gonna see a screen that looks like this it’s gonna have the welcome video which is also a little bit of a demo and a walk through of how to use white label studio what you really want to do though to jump into the system is to go ahead and click on the my apps link on the left hand side and this is going to show you all of the apps that are available to you now there are four apps that are available my virtual tours videos agency videomatic and easy banners pro now here in my dashboard i can see the sales page and i can see marketing assets i believe that those are part of the upgrade i actually read the funnel for this but it’s a little convoluted a little hard to understand and I’m pretty sure though that the sales page and the marketing assets are a part of an upgrade that they don’t come with on the front end

Now in order to go ahead and log into the system you just go ahead and click on log in on any one of these buttons for any one of these software that you want to access to and you can then log in with the same username and password that you use for the main white label studios dashboard so let me go ahead and log into one of the systems right here I’ll go ahead and log into videos okay so now I’m logged into the videos dashboard and i’m logged in as an administrative user now i can use the software if i want to of course i have access to it for my own self but i can also do the white label stuff with it so i can go ahead and click on the white label link and i can enter in all the white label settings so i can do things like change the brand name the name of the software change the website video url if i want to have my own website video add in my own FAQ my own bonuses my own custom training if i want to i can add in my own logo i can totally rebrand this software and change it to something completely different and this allows you to basically make this software your own software now i showed you how to do that with just videos agency but basically the setup is the same with all of these four softwares and it’s important to remember that these four softwares are not some kind of plr garbage

These are premium high-end software products these are products that Mario actually created and sold himself and you’re now able to get done for you white label rights that will allow you to rebrand them if you want to and will allow you to sell them as your own product and that got me super excited because i know the kind of time energy and money that goes into creating these types of products and being able to get reseller rights and white label rights to four of them for a low one-time price is a pretty awesome thing however unfortunately there was a big bummer when i was testing out this system let me head back over to videos and show you exactly what it is okay so here i am i’m logged back into videos and again i’m just using videos as an example basically all of the white label software’s work the same uh the setup is the same the options are the same and this that i’m about to show you right now is the same so it’s a little bit out of the screen recorder here but down bottom on the lower left hand side in this particular software is a little button that says manage users so i can go ahead and click on that button and it will allow me to create a new user so i can go ahead and click create new user i can enter in the name the email address the password for that person and I’ve now just created a new user

The video software and that’s awesome i can use this to create accounts to the video software but normally you’re not going to want to create accounts to people you’re going to want to sell accounts to people so what i started looking for is when i was testing this is how do i get my buy button on the sales page how do i actually make sales and how do i deliver the product to people after i make a sale using the done for you sales page and that’s where the problem really came in because mario unfortunately told me that there is no done for you sales page even when you buy the upgrade and you get the sales page you’re just giving an HTML page now you can go ahead and edit that HTML page and you can put your own buy button on it but there’s no way to automatically deliver the products to the people when they buy it there is no integration with jvzoo or pay pal or any other system stripe for automatic delivery of the products once your customers buy it and this is a huge problem what this means is even though you can sell this you’re not given a sales page at all unless you buy the upgrade and if you do buy the upgrade sure you’re given a sales page but you have to manually create accounts for every single person that buys that’s a serious pain in the ass and honestly that’s a serious let down when i was testing this system because it’s not even practical in any way it’s also like really old school i mean when people buy a software they expect to get access to it right away

But if you were to sell this using a sales page either your own or the one that they give you if you buy the upgrade you have to like wait for an email to come in that purchase was made and then manually create an account for people and then message the person you manually and say here’s your account information i mean you have to do that yourself i mean that’s it’s completely lame and honestly i really think they sold themselves major major majorly short when they chose not to have any type of automatic account creation or any type of integration with some kind of third party payment processor to allow automatic account creation i think it really diminishes the value of the software now white label studio is still a very cool product but unless you’re going to be willing to manually create accounts for people unless you’re working for clients and you’re going to sell directly to them and manually create accounts one at a time to your for your clients you’re going to have a big problem because there is no automatic account creation there’s no way to automatically deliver these products to people after they buy it through you now does this mean that i hate white label studio no it doesn’t i don’t hate white label studio it’s still a good product especially if you want these four software

Yourself if you want to get four softwares for the price of the one just to use yourself that’s very cool if you work with clients or customers on a one-on-one basis and you want to be able to sell this to your clients and customers personally yourself this will be a very handy thing to have however if you’re thinking that you’re going to have a sales page and just send traffic to that sales page either through seo or Facebook or social posting or any other method and automatically make sales well then you’re going to be disappointed because there’s no way to automatically have people who buy from you get their accounts you’ll have to manually create accounts for everybody which is just not practical and it’s a bad experience for the people that are buying from you anyway so what you’re going to have to do when you decide if you should invest in a white label studio is ask yourself are you willing to manually create accounts for every single person that buys from you or do you just want this software just so you can have four cool software all in one for your own personal use if either one of those are true then white label studio is something you should definitely consider investing in and you can also look below this video and check out the special bonuses that i have if you choose to pick it up through me however if you’re not willing to manually create accounts for people or if you don’t just want these four software tools for yourself then frankly white label studio is something you might want to consider passing on thank you and enjoy

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